Now it has not been long enough for any one to really know me. But I do rather hate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It is a royal fuck up, more so then many things. I place it on the top just because it is the one piece of legislation that makes almost everyone a pirate, criminal, infringer? Choose one or all I do not care really.
See as with many parents, I have bought my children movies to watch. And some times we go on trips in our little car. Now I do not like to hear the whiny laments of bored children. So I do what I need to do. I rip them DVD's and re-encode them for use on my PSP. I then hand that PSP over with a head phone splitter plug. And you know what you get...Golden silence for an hour and a half or more. Something that is rare indeed, and cherished.
Now I know the argument from the MPAA, they will say "Well you can buy a dedicated portable DVD player". But why should I? My wife and I are already struggling to put food on the table. I am not going to run out just to play nice. I have a PSP, I have a computer, and I have the tools. This is Fare Use...screwem. CSS is dead and buried. Heck even BD+ and associated DRM's are dead and by passable. It is a lost cause really...I just wish they would accept it.
So, I bring my rant to a close, and for the future I place this war cry: For the Children the DMCA must DIE! I am a pirate cause they made me one...something to think about.
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